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Joined 3 years, 4 months ago

Books are cool. I like solarpunk. I do not like hierarchy.

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2025 Reading Goal

16% complete! TakeV has read 2 of 12 books.

Michelle Alexander, Maya Schenwar, Victoria Law: Prison by Any Other Name (Paperback, 2021, The New Press) No rating

Content warning Incarceration horrors

Michelle Alexander, Maya Schenwar, Victoria Law: Prison by Any Other Name (Paperback, 2021, The New Press) No rating

Content warning Incarceration horrors

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As others stated, the book would probably be better named "Why to Blow Up a Pipeline".

Still, very good. Goes into detail about different forms of praxis in terms of violence. It emphasizes that direct violence to people should not be done, but explicitly advocates for sabotage of the fossil fuel industry and luxuries. I liked how it also noted that violent praxis, when paired with pacifistic praxis, could be an effective way to make the less violent praxis more palatable. Like the carrot and the stick. Most importantly, in my eyes, it dedicates time to show how climate doomerism makes very little sense, and why it must be avoided.

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Andreas Malm: How to Blow up a Pipeline (2020, Verso Books) 3 stars

Why resisting climate change means combatting the fossil fuel industry

The science on climate change …

should be titled "Why Blow Up a Pipeline"

4 stars

This is a nice book. The author gives the rundown of climate movements of the past few years, focusing on Ende Gelände, Extinction Rebellion, and Fridays for Future. He's clearly actually been part of a lot of those actions and, as far as I can tell, he gets them pretty right. The tone is hopeful all in all and the central idea – that there should be a more militant flank focused on destruction of fossil fuel emitting devices like SUVs and pipelines – is made well, in particular the clear but charitable case against ideologues of pacifism in activism.

However, and this bugs me deeply, the author does not actually answer the question posed in the title. Nowhere in the book is there any kind of guideline of tactical advice or even finger-point to resources on how to go about this. There is no map of pipelines in Europe, …