TakeV quoted Prison by Any Other Name by Michelle Alexander
Content warning Incarceration horrors
Most of us have, at some point in our lives, committed an act that could be considered a crime, but most such acts go unnoticed. When you’re being constantly watched, however, smoking a joint or even failing to buckle your seatbelt could swell your criminal record and inch you closer to the prison gates.
— Prison by Any Other Name by Michelle Alexander, Maya Schenwar, Victoria Law (11%)
American specific perspective, but: kinda seems like being on the monitoring system is defacto waving away your 5th amendment rights?
Like, not the same, but one of the reasons you should always keep silent is so you do not actually confess to a separate crime that you were not aware of. Also why you do not talk to cops.
Wait, do prisoners still have their 5th amendment rights?