Interzone #268 (January-February 2017)


English language

Published Dec. 31, 2016 by TTA Press.

4 stars (1 review)

1 edition

A good issue of Interzone

4 stars

A pretty good issue. The stories range from good to excellent, apart from one story, and some will make you ponder more deeply about the stories after it ends.

  • "Everyone Gets A Happy Ending" by Julie C. Day: an urban fantasy tale about the end of the world caused by, of all things, bunnies. Yet, even now, the protagonist cannot help but fall in love with them.

  • "The Noise & The Silence" by Christien Gholson: a tale that didn't connect with me about a man living in a city with constant vocal noise who is seeking for Silence.

  • "The Transmuted Child" by Michael Reid: a fascinating tale of a monk and a child who go to the world of aliens to ask them for help. The aliens' technology embedded in the child is slowly driving the child to perform murderous acts, and the monk hopes the aliens can help. But …