Interzone #270 (May-June 2017)


English language

Published April 30, 2017 by TTA Press.

4 stars (1 review)

1 edition

An above average issue of Interzone.

4 stars

An above average issue. Malcolm Devlin's story of a man revived in another body but with missing memories stands out for the questions it asks about what makes a personality. Shauna O'Meara's tale of a tourist taken for a VR ride to unexpected places was also exciting but tragic; for we are all fickle tourists in the end.

  • "Rushford Recapitulation" by Christopher Mark Rose: a strange story about a small town where women start to give birth to things. The ending does not resolve how this strange sequence of events happen.

  • "Like You, I Am A System" by Nathan Hillstrom: an AI system accidentally becomes conscious, destroys other copies of itself (but regrets it), enters the outside world and tries to remake humanity so that it can talk to humanity as a single being. It, of course, fails and regrets it.

  • "Dirty Code" by Wayne Simmons: a story that starts …