Reviews and Comments


Joined 3 years, 4 months ago

Autistic, anarchist, trans woman.


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Jia Tolentino: Trick Mirror (Paperback, 2020, Random House Trade Paperbacks) 3 stars

Not for me

3 stars

I found this wholly uninteresting. Seemed to be very focused on celebrities and privileged life. I wasn't able to find any interesting nuance, and it didn't feel very organized or coherent to me.

I just suspect it isn't for me. It just feels very allistic in a way that is incomprehensible to me as an autistic person, I guess. I can certainly imagine it appealing to someone else.

I'm not sure what else to say because I just didn't get it at all?

Jia Tolentino: Trick Mirror (Paperback, 2020, Random House Trade Paperbacks) 3 stars

So far this book is... Extremely straight and extremely allistic. The writer seems to be (knowingly and jadedly) tightly bound by capitalism and many toxic elements of western society in a way that I really cannot relate to. And she seems to think that it is pretty inescapable. So far I have been reading it with the interest of a somewhat bored anthropologist--in that at least I'm finding the perspective novel and different--but I'm unsure whether it is worth continuing. For now, I'll keep on reading, though.

Merlin Sheldrake: Entangled Life (Hardcover, 2020, Random House Publishing Group) 4 stars

There is a lifeform so strange and wondrous that it forces us to rethink how …

Great introduction to fungus!

4 stars

It was really enlightening to learn about the incredible impact that fungus has on all parts of the world.

I was especially intrigued at how plant roots and mycelium work together. It was also very surprising to hear about the impressive effects that truffles have on humans. I hadn't known that they had such an effect on people.

Elissa Washuta: White Magic (2021, Tin House Books) 5 stars

Throughout her life, Elissa Washuta has been surrounded by cheap facsimiles of Native spiritual tools …

Hard to describe, but intense

5 stars

This book is a lot. It bounces all around in an attempt to compile and associate many thoughts and emotions, with many comparisons of the author's life to media. I really liked it because it felt like it was communicating something more than just words or logical sentences could about her life, her mind, her culture, etc.

Her words speak to the connections we make in our mind between various things, events we remember happening, movies we've watched, games we've played, and how we take these connections and use them to piece together a life's narrative, attempt to explain trauma, or give ourselves a reason to carry on. The book questions whether these connections are caused by something more or if they are just coincidences, and whether, in our investigations, we even want to know that answer. Is it better to be fully grounded in a world full of trauma, …

Robert M. Sapolsky: Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers (2004, Times Books) 3 stars

As Sapolsky explains, most of us do not lie awake at night worrying about whether …

Informative, if occasionally flippant

3 stars

It was interesting to learn more about the science of stress. I found that Sapolsky did a good job of summarizing the complicated systems involved in our bodies when we are subjected to stress, and what experiments and studies can say about how those responses affect our health.

He also effectively expressed how the field has changed throughout scientific history and how it remains very primitive, with many aspects that remain elusive.

Despite the fact that the content should have been quite dry, his writing style presented it in a way that was more digestible.

I found that a few of his examples felt a bit insensitive as he brings up serious issues such as domestic abuse that could be traumatic to people without warning, using them as 'exaggerated examples' in an attempt to inject humor into his writing.

But besides those instances, he is mostly cautious with his words …