Schémas Artificiels

French language

Published 2019 by l'Atalante.

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4 stars (7 reviews)

Les SecUnits se moquent pas mal des actualités. Même après avoir piraté mon module superviseur et débloqué mes accès, je n’y ai jamais prêté grande attention. D’abord, parce que les téléchargements de contenu multimédia risquent moins de déclencher les alarmes éventuelles des réseaux locaux et satellitaires, mais surtout, parce que les informations sont d’un ennui mortel et que je me fiche éperdument des querelles entre humains tant que je n’ai pas 1) à y mettre un terme, 2) à nettoyer après eux.

Où AssaSynth se fait passer pour un humain augmenté et embaucher comme consultant de sécurité auprès de trois scientifiques en litige avec leur employeur…

Entre voyage dans la galaxie et exploration de mine abandonnée, Schémas artificiels sonde davantage la conscience émergente du narrateur. Ses relations avec d’autres intelligences artificielles dessinent une fresque de personnages non-humains d’une grande profondeur, rappelant le cycle de « La Culture » de Iain …

3 editions

Review of 'Artificial condition' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

If you enjoyed "All Systems Red," you'll almost certainly enjoy this as it's a direct follow-up to that story, expanding on the Murderbot character and the surrounding universe in a nicely-executed, quick, and satisfying manner.

Murderbot is a bit sassier and more overtly brash in this one, which at times during the read felt a little forced to me but I ultimately adjusted to the new tone and ended up chalking the change up to a plausible evolution of the character given the events of the first book.

The story is fairly simple and straightforward, which leaves plenty of room for the additional world building and character development that I'd say are the bread and butter of the experience. I particularly enjoyed Murderbot's interactions with ART as they did a lot to check both of those boxes in a fun and novel way.

If you got your fill of Murderbot …

Murderbot digs into its past

3 stars

The second 'Murderbot' story, this one has it going back to where it all began, a mine where it went 'rogue' and killed its clients, forcing it to disable its governor, so it wouldn't happen again. But memory, especially mostly erased memory, is a tricky thing. It isn't sure if it was the governor that made it go rogue, or it disabled its governor to go rogue. Either way, it has to know.

But getting to the mine on a distant planet won't be easy. On the journey, it finds an uneasy ally in the transport ship which happens to be an on-loan research vessel with a hugely powerful bot in charge of it, but is rather emotional over entertainment shows (provided by Murderbot) featuring research vessels whose crew dies from misadventures and needs some 'hand holding'.

On the planet itself, it hires itself off to a small team going …