Hardcover, 640 pages

Published Oct. 14, 2021 by Nova.

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3 stars (3 reviews)

Nada es lo que parece en las estancias del Emperador, y el destino de la galaxia descansa sobre los hombros de una única mujer.

El Emperador ha reclutado a Harrowhark Nonagesimus, la última nigromante de la Novena Casa, para combatir en una guerra perdida de antemano. Harrow tendrá que aliarse con una rival detestable y perfeccionar sus habilidades para así convertirse en un ángel de la no-muerte, pero su salud empieza a flaquear, su espada le da náuseas e incluso su mente amenaza con traicionarla.

Presa en la gótica penumbra del Mitreo del Emperador con tres profesores nada amigables y perseguida por el fantasma demente de un planeta masacrado, Harrow deberá hacer frente a dos preguntas incómodas: ¿hay alguien que intenta matarla?

Y, en caso de conseguirlo, ¿será el universo un lugar mejor?

5 editions

Madness and grief

4 stars

I never expected a book to successfully gaslight me and I would have expected even less that I would enjoy that.

This book manages not only to describe someones descent into madness from intense grief but it makes you feel it yourself. It fractured so many things you thought you knew from the previous book that you constantly doubt your own memory of those past event, but brings everything together towards the end only to leave you with questions again.

It is also repeatedly hilarious and features one of the best dad jokes of all time.

Madness and grief

4 stars

I never expected a book to successfully gaslight me and I would have expected even less that I would enjoy that.

This book manages not only to describe someones descent into madness from intense grief but it makes you feel it yourself. It fractured so many things you thought you knew from the previous book that you constantly doubt your own memory of those past event, but brings everything together towards the end only to leave you with questions again.

It is also repeatedly hilarious and features one of the best dad jokes of all time.


  • Fiction, science fiction, action & adventure
  • Fiction, fantasy, epic
  • Fiction, fantasy, dark fantasy
  • paranormal
  • necromancy
  • LGBTQ science fiction & fantasy
  • Women authors
  • Fiction, science fiction, space opera