Beautiful Darkness

94 pages

English language

Published Nov. 7, 2014

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4 stars (2 reviews)

Kerascoët's and Fabien Vehlmann's unsettling and gorgeous anti-fairy tale is a searing condemnation of our vast capacity for evil writ tiny. Join princess Aurora and her friends as they journey to civilization's heart of darkness in a bleak allegory about surviving the human experience. The sweet faces and bright leaves of Kerascoët's delicate watercolors serve to highlight the evil that dwells beneath Vehlmann's story as pettiness, greed, and jealousy take over. Beautiful Darkness is a harrowing look behind the routine politeness and meaningless kindness of civilized society.

1 edition

Review of 'Beautiful darkness' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

WOW this book was so much darker than I expected. It's a saccharine nightmare, an anti-fairytale that reminds me of the first time I watched a cartoon on Adult Swim and felt deeply unsettled by tiny adorable creatures being so terrible to each other. I'd feel very weird recommending this book to anyone, unless I can preface it with, "If you like the anxiety-inducing storytelling and gore of Uzumaki by Junji Ito mixed with Disney-style happy forest folk, then this book is for you!"

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3 stars


  • Comic books, strips
  • Fairy tales
  • Translations into English
  • Princesses
  • Good and evil


  • France