I’m torn on this one. She mentions early on that it’s meant to be descriptive, rather than prescriptive, in terms of actually ending or putting a dent in the racist status quo.
But then she offers again and again the prescription of raising awareness and/or whites accepting criticism from POC.
Her description of the phenomena of fragility is unbelievably clear-eyed; any POC will immediately recognize everything she points out. I want to give 5 stars based on this alone, but it seems like a misguided book in terms of actually addressing the problem considering the material conditions of racialized, autocratic institutions that control life in the US today.
Is simply trying to get whites to understand the substance of racism going to get them to renege their material benefits in the zero-sum game of power in these inegalitarian institutions? I feel like they’ll just revert back to overt racism. Power …
Reviews and Comments
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harbinger rated Remaking society: 4 stars
Review of "White fragility : why it's so hard for white people to talk about racism" on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
I’m torn on this one. She mentions early on that it’s meant to be descriptive, rather than prescriptive, in terms of actually ending or putting a dent in the racist status quo.
But then she offers again and again the prescription of raising awareness and/or whites accepting criticism from POC.
Her description of the phenomena of fragility is unbelievably clear-eyed; any POC will immediately recognize everything she points out. I want to give 5 stars based on this alone, but it seems like a misguided book in terms of actually addressing the problem considering the material conditions of racialized, autocratic institutions that control life in the US today.
Is simply trying to get whites to understand the substance of racism going to get them to renege their material benefits in the zero-sum game of power in these inegalitarian institutions? I feel like they’ll just revert back to overt racism. Power needs to be taken from the racist elites by force with mass, cooperative action.
harbinger rated Giovanni's Room: 5 stars

Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin
Baldwin's haunting and controversial second novel is his most sustained treatment of sexuality, and a classic of gay literature. In …
harbinger reviewed Six Red Months in Russia by Louise Bryant
Review of 'Six Red Months in Russia' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
A good mix of engaging and informative.
Very unique account of one woman’s unbelievably daring immersion into the October revolution. There are many insights into human behavior that can hopefully be applied to the next attempt at a Proletarian uprising, and specifics to Russia’s context.
The complete and unceremonious decline of antisemitism, having been revealed as a mere rough pretext of anti authoritarianism.
The surprisingly magnanimous behavior of those who underwent centuries of oppression to their former oppressors.
The obvious bias of the supposedly free press being the mouthpiece of a few capitalists, and how that’s not any better than an explicitly controlled press that at least has an obvious agenda.
harbinger rated Nervous conditions: 5 stars

Nervous conditions by Tsitsi Dangarembga
This is a book about the oppression of women by men.Men in a society have more rights than women and …
harbinger reviewed Capital: Volume 1 by Karl Marx
Review of 'Capital: Volume 1' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
Obligatory 5 stars because how could I not?
Very, very detailed and data-driven, plus humanistic. Will need to reread several times to fully grasp (especially by audio, where it’s especially hard to tell when one is in a footnote or not).
Makes it abundantly clear, though: there is no profit possible without worker exploitation, due to power differentials of the capitalist (owning means of production) versus the workers (possessing only their labor to sell).
And there is no economic activity without profit. And there is little human life without economic activity, meaning this exploitation is an undercurrent to nearly everything.
harbinger reviewed Mistaken identity by Asad Haider
"The phenomenon of identity politics represents one of the primary impasses of the left, and …
Review of 'Mistaken identity' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
Crucial, important, pithy.
Crystal-clear-eyed analysis of the consistent ruse of the capitalists to divide-and-conquer via identity: maintaining their exploitation by using race, gender, sexuality, and ethnicity to confuse and frustrate attempts to organize.
Reminds us that in oder to free ourselves, we must free all others thus imprisoned.
Exposes the shameful hypocrisy of neoliberal, double-speaking, bad-faith buffoons such as Clinton(s), Obama, and Blair.
Will be reading several more times, at least yearly, to remind myself of the key points.
harbinger rated Seed to Harvest: 5 stars
Review of "You can't be neutral on a moving train" on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
Excellent memoir; the most encouraging work I've read that's also fairly realistic about the major plight of the rampant injustice wrought by the American ruling class. Essentially, the notion that the role of large-scale organizing of the oppressed has been effective in two regimes: (1) the Civil Rights movement, and (2) the anti-Vietnam war movement. Admittedly, though, those two regimes (the war economy and racism) are now worsening and arguably have only changed form, rather than measurably improved. However, I think there's something to his optimism.
harbinger reviewed The true flag by Stephen Kinzer
Review of 'The true flag' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
Engaging, almost nail-bitingly entertaining format for a critical and enduringly topical tale.
Crucial, forgotten analysis of previous anti-imperialist efforts by Mark Twain (not just a cuddly, escapist entertainer as modern education systems would have us believe) and others, and their overriding by scheming super-villain duo Henry Cabot Lodge and Theodore Roosevelt.
Lodge, the evil mastermind behind the greedy me-too-ist desire for the US to colonially exploit, skillfully enlists war criminal and megalomaniac Roosevelt, assisted substantially by capitalist greedy William Randolph Hearst.
Fantastic points are made here that are now made in sort of muted, watered-down and comparatively feeble ways today regarding our current and continued imperialist atrocities.
In particular, an attempt to pass off intervention as humanitarian; arguing that intervened regions are unfit for self-rule due to racialized dehumanization; arguing that someone else will intervene if we do not, to supposedly worse consequences; arguing that we will allow for self-government …
Engaging, almost nail-bitingly entertaining format for a critical and enduringly topical tale.
Crucial, forgotten analysis of previous anti-imperialist efforts by Mark Twain (not just a cuddly, escapist entertainer as modern education systems would have us believe) and others, and their overriding by scheming super-villain duo Henry Cabot Lodge and Theodore Roosevelt.
Lodge, the evil mastermind behind the greedy me-too-ist desire for the US to colonially exploit, skillfully enlists war criminal and megalomaniac Roosevelt, assisted substantially by capitalist greedy William Randolph Hearst.
Fantastic points are made here that are now made in sort of muted, watered-down and comparatively feeble ways today regarding our current and continued imperialist atrocities.
In particular, an attempt to pass off intervention as humanitarian; arguing that intervened regions are unfit for self-rule due to racialized dehumanization; arguing that someone else will intervene if we do not, to supposedly worse consequences; arguing that we will allow for self-government while setting up puppet governments; maneuvering around false promises made by predecessors to not subjugate via watering down or otherwise circumventing promises in fact if not in name.
Review of 'Live Work Work Work Die: A Journey into the Savage Heart of Silicon Valley' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
Required reading for any avid technologist or cheerleader thereof hoping to “change the world” in $ill¥ con-arti$t Valle¥.
Very entertaining; both a personal account and a wider investigation into the misdeeds of the above demographic. The only thing missing is reflection on the gentrification aspect.
harbinger rated Black Liberation And Socialism: 5 stars
harbinger reviewed Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler
Review of 'Parable of the Sower' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
Quite a striking work of fiction, and one that's unforgettable. Very credibly-crafted tale of resilience in the face of unbelievable woe, and one that seems unfortunately fairly likely to occur if the world keeps on its current course.
Update: 6 months later, this book turns out to be one that I think of almost daily. It was hard to really grasp the gravity of the tales therein, or just how appropriate they are for the currently nigh-apocalyptic world we live in.
harbinger reviewed The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt
Review of 'The Righteous Mind' on 'Goodreads'
1 star
Mundane, nihilistic garbage. Just because emotions might be related to morality (shocker!) doesn't somehow invalidate morality as an overall concept, or that the world is an incredibly unjust and cruel one that should be changed as soon and thoroughly as possible.
And even if morality merely serves the emotions of the conceiver, that just means we have to consider whether this conceiver's emotions are morally good or bad. Circular.