Det egoistiske genet

Norwegian, Norsk bokmål language

Published by Humanist forlag.

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3 stars (2 reviews)

Er kroppene våre bare overlevelsesmaskiner for genene? Knapt noen bok innen biologi har, siden Darwins Om artenes opprinnelse, vakt slik oppsikt som Dawkins' The Selfish Gene. Dette er boken som maktet å gjøre genteori og evolusjonsbiologi til folkelesning! Her kan du lese om livet på jorda sett fra genenes synsvinkel. Genenes eneste mål er å bringe flest mulig kopier av seg selv videre til nye generasjoner, og til dette trengs et verktøy - organismen. Enhver organisme, mennesket inkludert, kan derfor betraktes som en genstyrt robot, en marionett under DNA-trådene. Men hvor blir det da av menneskets frie vilje? Fritar et slikt verdensbilde oss fra moralsk ansvar? Nei, hevder Dawkins. Mennesket er ikke totaldeterminert, men kan, som eneste art, gjøre opprør mot genenes diktatur. Innledningen er skrevet av professor Dag O. Hessen. A lineage is expected to evolve to maximise its inclusive fitness—the number of copies of its genes passed on …

25 editions

Had I not read this with someone, I would've thrown it out sooner.

1 star

Starting with the least egregious first: I have to say is that Dawkins' editors (across all the editions) definitely did not do their job, if they even tried to in the first place. There are areas where the book does nothing but repeat the same sentence over and over in consecutive lines, and it's like no one noticed that he wrote the same thing. I was starting to feel déjà vu when reading it out loud to my partner, and it was really pissing me off.

Next, his examples are almost entirely hypothetical, and I do not care if something is "mathematically sound." Does it actually work that way? Should I really be thinking of it in that framework? In a lot of parts, I really get the feeling that I shouldn't be and like he tried his best to tip-toe around the things he "shouldn't say but really wants …


  • Evolution (Biology)
  • Genetics
  • Sociobiology
  • Behavior genetics
  • Genetica
  • Etologia Animal
  • Genetics. 0
  • Long Now Manual for Civilization
  • Natural selection
  • Sociobiologie
  • Évolution (biologie)
  • Memen
  • Diergedrag
  • Génétique animale
  • Evolutionstheorie
  • Habits and behavior of Animals
  • 42.21 evolution
  • Genen
  • Génétique du comportement
  • Génétique
  • Biological Evolution
  • Évolution
  • Evolutie
  • Evolution
  • Origin of species