Pretty propaganda, pleasantly compiled
5 stars
A short, fun read but surprisingly informative. It's a bit like reading a collection of zines. If someone is looking for an easy way to dip one's toe into anarchist theory, this is it.
CrimethInc.: Days of love, nights of war (2001, CrimethInc. Free Press)
281 pages
English language
Published Jan. 24, 2001 by CrimethInc. Free Press.
From Wikipedia: "A collection of political, social and philosophical essays written and published by anarchist collective CrimethInc. Most essays advocate the fight for personal freedom, alternate choices and lifestyles. Some of the book is devoted to the criticism of capitalism, statism, and mass-consumerism, arguing that these things dehumanize the individual and decrease the general quality of life."
A short, fun read but surprisingly informative. It's a bit like reading a collection of zines. If someone is looking for an easy way to dip one's toe into anarchist theory, this is it.