Le Pendule de Foucault

656 pages

French language

Published 2007 by Librairie générale française.

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4 stars (3 reviews)

Foucault's Pendulum (original title: Il pendolo di Foucault [il ˈpɛndolo di fuˈko]) is a novel by Italian writer and philosopher Umberto Eco. It was first published in 1988, and an English translation by William Weaver appeared a year later.Foucault's Pendulum is divided into ten segments represented by the ten Sefiroth. The satirical novel is full of esoteric references to Kabbalah, alchemy, and conspiracy theory—so many that critic and novelist Anthony Burgess suggested that it needed an index. The pendulum of the title refers to an actual pendulum designed by French physicist Léon Foucault to demonstrate Earth's rotation, which has symbolic significance within the novel. Some believe that it refers to Michel Foucault, noting Eco's friendship with the French philosopher, but the author "specifically rejects any intentional reference to Michel Foucault"—this is regarded as one of his subtle literary jokes.

12 editions

unfortunately, too relevant

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I feel like this book has had some bad luck by becoming increasingly true and relevant. Since conspiracy theories have proliferated this decade, we're all thoroughly familiar. Although this book was there first, if you've already had a read through everything on wikipedia and countless thinkpieces on the issue, this feels like more of the basics. What might have been obscure and exciting conspiracy theories, a mindblowing social milieu, and novel analysis when presented for the first time is just not so exciting anymore.
This is solidly a good book - its just that the other Eco novels are better. The ones set in the middle ages are more immersive, more imaginative, more vibrant. It also seems like Eco is taking this seriously instead of "just" having fun. There's an analytical and didactic feel at the heart of this novel, which I didn't like.

Pidin tästä kovasti — sattumaako?!

5 stars

Suuri salaliittomysteeri, jossa kaikki liittyy kaikkeen ja panoksena ei ole sen vähempää kuin maailman herruuden mahdollistava salaisuus! Kolme palvelukustantamon hirtehistä kustannustoimittajaa leikkii ironisesti käsikirjoitusten hörhötarinoilla, kunnes kaikki alkaa vaikuttaa liian todelta, ja kabbalasta ja temppeliritarien veljeskunnasta liikkeelle lähtevään arvoitukseen kytkeytyy koko ajan uusia ulottuvuuksia. Mielenkiintoista muuten, vasta eilen illalla, luettuani taas sata sivua kirjaa, tulin tietokoneelle istumaan ja ensimmäiseksi näin jonkun väittävän saaneensa käsiinsä aiemmin tuntemattomia temppeliherrain salaisuuksia sisältävän vanhan käsinkirjoitetun muistikirjan — SATTUMAAKO?! Kolmannesvuosisata ilmestymisensä jälkeen Foucaultin heiluri on vain entistäkin ajankohtaisempi, ja mikä parasta, sekä älykäs että hauska.